The Endocrine System: Regulating the Body through Hormones, By Robert Aden, MD

Integral to the proper functioning of the human body, the endocrine system is comprised of glands that produce hormones. These hormones are then carried throughout the body by the cardiovascular system, where they send signals to other parts of the body and individual cells, signaling them to grow, change, or alter their functions. The organs that comprise this system include the hypothalamus, thyroid, kidneys, gonads, and adrenal glands, among others. Endocrinology, under the umbrella of internal medicine, addresses issues within this complex biological network.

About the Author :

Practicing since 1994, Dr. Robert Aden serves as an endocrinologist practicing in Florida. He earned his medical degree at Tel Aviv University’s Sackler School of Medicine and trained in New York. Dr. Aden has held membership with the American Board of Internal Medicine and specializes in bone densitometry, and thyroid ultrasound and ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration.

Basic Facts About Diabetes: Treatment and Prevention By Dr. Robert Aden (Part 2 of 2)

In the United States, seven million cases of diabetes remain undiagnosed. Another 79 million people suffer from prediabetes, or above-average blood glucose levels that have been associated with several long-term health problems. Here, I provide three basic facts about detecting, managing, and preventing diabetes.

1. Individuals can reduce the risk of developing serious complications by detecting diabetes or prediabetes in the early stages. The symptoms of type 1 diabetes include extreme thirst and hunger, fatigue, weight loss, and frequent urination. These symptoms, along with recurring infections, blurred vision, and numbness in the extremities, can also indicate the presence of type 2 diabetes; however, many individuals with type 2 diabetes often show no symptoms at all. Blood tests to measure glucose levels can detect prediabetes.

2. Although treatment plans will vary according to the individual’s specific needs, diabetes management usually involves glucose monitoring, a healthy meal plan, and medication when necessary. Individuals with diabetes typically check blood sugar levels every day to watch for warning signs of serious complications and adjust their meal plans to best fit their needs. While treating type 1 diabetes requires insulin replacement therapy, delivered via injection or insulin pump, many individuals do not need medication to manage type 2 diabetes. Depending on the case, however, people with type 2 diabetes may need to control their blood glucose levels with insulin, oral medication, or other injectable medications.

3. Because type 2 diabetes results from a combination of genetics and lifestyle factors, individuals can work to prevent this form of diabetes by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Risk factors include being overweight and engaging in low levels of physical activity, so healthy eating and regular exercise can help delay or even prevent type 2 diabetes.

About the author: Based in Miami, Florida, Dr. Robert Aden completed a fellowship in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism at New York University Medical Center. Board-certified in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, he holds professional affiliations with the American Diabetes Association, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, and the Endocrine Society.  He is recognized by the American Diabetes Association as a “Provider of Excellence.”

Basic Facts About Diabetes: Explaining the Disease By Dr. Robert Aden (Part 1 of 2)

The University of Miami

Photo of the University of Miami, Coral Gables campus

Author: Dr. Zak

Dr. Robert Aden owns and runs a private practice in Miami, Florida. Prior to his medical education, he graduated from the University of Miami, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Public Affairs.

Coral Gables, Florida, serves as the main campus of the University of Miami, and two other campuses are located in Miami and Virginia Key. The university enrolls approximately 15,000 students and contains 12 colleges, which include a law school, oceanography school, and medical school. Its many programs include 51 Doctorates, 114 Master’s degrees, and 115 undergraduate degrees. Known as a research university, the school attracts approximately $326 million a year in research funds.

The university’s schools include the College of Engineering, School of Architecture, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Communication, School of Business Administration, and School of Education. The University of Miami School of Law and the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine serve as graduate schools only.

The Coral Gables campus, which sits on 260 acres near Miami, is home to most of the academic programs. The Jerry Herman Ring Theatre serves as the location for students to stage musicals and plays. The School of Architecture’s gallery, the Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center, holds exhibitions that emphasize design, and the John C. Gifford Arboretum contains a lovely botanical garden.

The university’s main library, the Otto G. Richter Library, houses many collections that span topics such as architecture, the arts, the social sciences, and the humanities and also features rare maps, books, and manuscripts stored in the Cuban Heritage Collection and Special Collections Division.

Thirty-one sororities and fraternities exist at the university, and service groups abound, including Habitat for Humanity International and Amnesty International. The Miami Hurricane serves as the school paper and gets published twice a week. Student honor societies at the University include the Iron Arrow Honor Society, the Order of Omega, and a Mortar Board chapter.